About nine hundred years ago, Iran was ruled..........Because they would learn to love peace.

About nine hundred years ago, Iran was ruled by a king named Malik Shah. He had a vizier whose name was Hasan-bin-Ali. The king called him Nizam-ul-Mulk, because he looked after the country so well. Iran was already a great country but they desired to make it greater. Malik Shah and Hasan-bin-Ali, who were good Muslims, wanted to make it greater still. They both knew that the country could only make progress if it was at peace with other countries and if it was strong.

Nizam-ul-Mulk said to himself, “If the young people of my country learned to read, they would learn how to live a good life. This would bring happiness to them and to their friends. They would learn to love peace. I must build schools for them.”

Summary: About nine hundred years ago Malik Shah ruled over Iran. He had a vizier whom he called Nizam-ul-Mulk. Mulk Shah wanted to make Iran a greater country. Both of them realized that its peaceful relation with other countries and its strength could make it greater. Nizam-ul-Mulk decided himself to establish schools in order to educate the young people, which would teach them to live a good, happy and peaceful life. Because they would learn to love peace.

I was the third five sons..........he settled in London as a doctor and got married.

I was the third five sons. My father sent me at fourteen years old to Cambridge University, where I worked hard. But he could not afford to keep me there for more than three years. For the next four years, I studied medicine under Mr. Bates, a famous doctor. I always believe that one day I should travel. I, therefore, spent small sums of money in gaining knowledge that would be valuable to a traveler.

When I left Mr. Bates my father and other relations gave me enough money to study medicine at Leyden University in Holland.

Soon after my return from Leyden I was appointed doctor on the Swallow, in which I made several voyages. Then I settled in London as a doctor. I took part of a small house and got married.

Summary: The narrator was the third of the five sons of his father. Though his father sent him to Cambridge University to study medicine, he could not maintain his educational expenses. He studied for four years under Mr. Bates. He had a mind to become a traveler. So he saved money in a frugal manner. He then studied medicine at Leyden University in Holland. He made several voyages returning from Leyden. At last, he settled in London as a doctor and got married.

Shylock, a Jew, lived at Venice..........Shylock planned to take revenge upon Antonio.

Shylock, a Jew, lived at Venice. He was a usurer, a man who had gathered together a great fortune by lending money at high interest to Christian merchants. He was a hard man, hard of heart and as sharp as a knife blade. He was much disliked by all good men and particularly by Antonio, a young merchant of Venice.

Shylock in his turn, hated Antonio, because he lent out money to people who were in trouble and would never take any interest for it. Whenever Antonio met Shylock on the Railto (or the Exchange) he scolded him for dealings while the Jew listened with summing patience, but secretly planned his revenge.

Summary: Shylock, a Venetian Jew, was a usurer who gathered a great fortune by lending money at high interest. He was not liked by the Christian, particularly by Antonio, a Christian merchant of Venice. Shylock also did not like Antonio who would lend money without any interest. Antonio scolded Shylock for his hard dealings. So Shylock planned to take revenge upon Antonio.

Long ago there lived in Persia a brave warrior..........righted and the evil doers would be punished.

Long ago there lived in Persia a brave warrior named Rustam, who was dearly loved by his fellow countrymen for bold deeds and generous heart. So wonderful were his deeds even as a youth that all men stood in awe of him and believed that his strength and courage were more than human. He spent his days wandering about the world in search of adventures a accompanied by his horse Rukesh, the most faithful friend a man ever had. Whenever the weak were oppressed or the innocent ill treated, there Rustam and his horse would appear and soon all would be righted and the evil doers would be punished for his wrongs and misdeeds.

Summary: Rustam, a brave warrior of Persia, was dearly loved by the people for his bold deeds and generous heart. He spent his days in wandering the world accompanied by his most faithful horse, Rukesh. Whenever the weak were oppressed and the innocent were ill-treated, he and his horse appeared there. And all would be righted and the evil doers would be punished.

Everyone has heard of Solomon, the king of the Jews..........surprised and appreciated his wisdom and went away.

Everyone has heard of Solomon, the king of the Jews, who was famous all the world over for his wealth and magnificence and specially for his wisdom. The Queen of Sheba had heard much about the grandeur of Solomon’s court and the world wide reputation of his learning and wisdom. Attached by such report, she came to test the king. She brought with her two garlands of flowers, one natural and the other artificial. Solomon was puzzled for a time. While pondering, he noticed some bees hunting for honey in a withered rose. He asked the windows to be opened. The bees came in and settled on the natural flowers. Thus seeing her riddle solved by the king, the Queen of Sheba was surprised and went away admiring the king’s great wisdom.  

Summary: Solomon, the king of the Jews, had worldwide fame for his wealth, magnificence and wisdom. The Queen of Sheba came to test his wisdom with two garlands of flowers – one natural and the other artificial. The queen wanted to know from him which was one natural. Seeing some bees settled on one garland, Solomon decided that it was the garland of natural flowers. The queen was surprised and appreciated his wisdom and went away.