Those who use motorcycles are about the worst road..........limbs and spilled blood. Safety is very much up to you.

Those who use motorcycles are about the worst road offenders there are. Consequently they constitute the largest number of road fatalities. it is not difficult to see why. They often travel against the traffic, carry five persons instead of the maximum of two and crash helmets are worn carelessly or not at all. Young boys race their souped-up machines in the middle of town. They weave in and out of traffic causing danger to everyone. Many of these young upstarts do not live to see their next birthday. So we should ride our motorcycles with utmost care and respect for other road-users. That way we can hope to live to see our next birthday and the next and so on too.

In the hands of many drivers, the car is an extension of their personality.Reckless driving can result in unpleasant consequences. It is the cause of many accidents. Travel along any road and we can see scores of these would-be-madmen overtaking dangerously. Drivers of lorries and other heavy vehicles are the worst culprits. A fully-laden timber truck trying to overtake another one not only holds up traffic but makes it so easy for an unsuspecting oncoming car to smash into them. Then there are army trucks that overtake you at 100 km/h while prominently displaying their limit of 70 km/h to you. These are all accidents waiting to happen. It is quite impossible to expect them to stop doing all these dangerous things. On our part we should not get involved with these danger-men on purpose. Keep as much distance as possible between you and such people. It would be stupid to race with a lorry or an army truck, or even a young man on a two-wheeler hoping to make an impression. It is simply stupid to race at all.

So to minimize the probability of being a victim of an accident certain things must be followed. First of all, respect traffic signs and rules; never race with anybody; use pedestrian crossings; keep away from potential dangers and finally ensure that your vehicle, including yourself, are in good condition. Having faulty brakes or blown lamps at night do not contribute anything to your well-being. nobody likes broken limbs and spilled blood. Safety is very much up to you.

Summary: Motorcyclists are about the worst road offenders there are. They constitute the largest number of road fatalities. Reckless driving causes many accidents. Drives of lorries and other heavy vehicles are the worst culprits. They are accidents waiting to happen. Keep as much distance you can between you and such people. It is stupid to race at all, whether it is with a lorry, army truck or a young man on a two-wheeler. To minimize the probability of being a victim of an accident certain rules must be followed. Road safety is very much up to you. 

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