Write a summary on how to raise the standard of English in our country....There are many ways to raise the standard of English ..... (Summary)

Dear Editor,

I am concerned about the standard of English in our country. Even with the implementation of the teaching of Maths and Science in English, I do not see any difference in the English used, especially by our young. I would like to suggest a few steps to raise the standard of English in Malaysia.

What needs to be done, first and foremost, is to make it compulsory for students to pass the English paper in all government examinations. Then only will people take the language seriously. In schools too, the number of English periods per week should be increased. Ideally, students should have English lessons every day. If we are short of English teachers, perhaps we should consider hiring native speakers to teach the subject. I am sure that there are many wives of expatriates here who are capable of teaching the subject. Besides that, students must be encouraged to make reading a part of their everyday life. Besides reading English books, they can also watch good English programs on television.

I think more needs to be done to bring English back to its former status.

Edmund Chua

Summary: There are many ways to raise the standard of English in Malaysia. Firstly, a pass in English must be made compulsory in government examinations. Besides that, having more English periods per week will help. Schools can also hire native speakers to teach the subject. Moreover, students must be encouraged to read English books and watch good English programs on television. 


  1. Agree that there are many ways to increase the standard of English in Malaysia. In addition, physics, chemistry and maths standards should also be raised through jc tuition

  2. nice article , thanks for sharing , checkout my work on rhetorical precis
