The child who is too aggressive is usually revealing..........aggressive child can be given more responsibility and more praise for his real achievements.

The child who is too aggressive may lack two qualities ...

The child who is too aggressive is usually revealing tow difficulties. Firstly, far from being too confident, he is actually not confident enough of himself. Secondly, he has not learnt, or is afraid to trust, the acceptable ways of getting what he wants and defending his rights.

Why the child lacks confidence may not be apparent. In a young child, a lack of confidence can be readily understood. He has not yet had enough experience to know what he can do. An older child may be bullying and aggressive because he is too strictly held down at home, or equally because he is too laxly handled and has not been helped to self-control. Too much and too little parental authority often have similar troubling effects on children of different temperaments.

The same may be said of the second difficulty the child reveals by his aggressive behavior. A young child does not yet know that here are better ways than fighting. An older child may not have been given much guidance, or through circumstances he may not have had much experience in getting along with other children. When parents or other adults have not been on hand to teach and show children by their example, or have been too protective of their children in the pre-school years, it may take both time and experience for the children to learn to get along with others, once they are in school and on their own.

The child who is too aggressive needs his confidence build up in good and wholesome ways. His boldness, his energy, his desire to lead and manage others can be directed into useful channels. At home and in school, the aggressive child can be given more responsibility and more praise for his real achievements.

Summary: The child who is too aggressive may lack two qualities: confidence and trust. This may be due to either strict or lenient parental control. Both have troubling effects on the child who does not know how to control himself. Besides, the child may not have been given guidance on how to behave. He may not have much experience in getting along with other children. His parents may be too protective or have not taught him by example. what they should do si to give him more responsibility and praise to build up his confidence. Direct his energy and boldness into useful channels. 

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