In the advanced countries such as Australia, England..........demonstrated competency in each core academic subject he or she teaches.

In the advanced countries such as Australia, England, Singapore and The United States, the education curriculum and system aim to produce well rounded individuals with good academic achievement and survival skills.

In Australia, the focus of education is on the overall development of the child during primary school years. Learning experiences are built around literacy, mathematics, physical skills, studies of society, health and creative activities. the emphasis is on developing basic skills in the English language.

There are no examination requirements for progression through school, and no standardized examination at the end of primary school. In secondary school, students are required to carry out research and complete assignments that form part of the assessment. Learning objectives are achieved by methods including investigation, experimentation, evaluation and participation.

The core subjects for secondary schoolchildren are, among others, English, Mathematics, Science, Human Society, Technological and Applied Studies, Creative arts and Personal Development, and Health and Physical Education.

School-based assessments usually include examinations, tests, analytical exercises, written research reports, essays, laboratory, field studies, and portfolios.

The British education system is bounded by the National Curriculum that decides on the content to be taught in schools, sets targets for learning and determines how students' performance will be assessed. Under this system, students undertake a series of tests known as the Key Stage National Curriculum Tests.

The curriculum is habitually reviewed to ensure it meets the varying needs of students and society. In 2004, significant changes were made to Key Stage 4 -- examinations taken in Year 11 -- which allowed schools to offer students more choices to get the general knowledge and experiences necessary for future employment.

In KS4, students are expected to develop skills like analysis, reasoning, problem solving and communication.

Subjects such as ICT, Citizenship, Work-related Learning, and Careers Education are compulsory on top of the core subjects to comply with the standards set.

The Ministry of Education in Singapore aims to provide a broad-based and holistic education. according to the ministry's website, Singapore has been moving towards a more flexible and diverse education system. the increased flexibility in the school system includes an option to study a non-native Mother Tongue Language as a third language from 2007.

For Primary One and Two, there will be 30 students per class from 2006 onwards, so that teachers are able to provide students with more individualized attention to give them a strong grounding in literacy and numeracy.

School Graduation Certificates will be introduced from 2008 to reflect the students' academic as well as non-academic achievements.

At primary school level, project work will be incorporated into the curriculum but will not be formally assessed as an examination subject.

The ministry will organize work attachment opportunities for teachers, in business and community agencies locally and overseas, as part of their teacher training initiative.
In the United States, elementary school students are taught five core subjects -- English, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science and Physical Education.

Electives such as Visual Arts (drawing, photography), Performing Arts (drama, band), Foreign Languages, Computers and athletics are introduced alter on.

Furthermore, non-academic lessons are added to achieve all-rounded individuals. Many states require schools to offer some form of courses related to health where students will learn about nutrition, first aid, the basic concepts of sexuality and birth control.

In middle and high school, the students participate in extra curricular activities that amount to hours outside of the normal school day.

Thsi includes sports activities like football and basketball, which are major events for schools and communities in the country, and also a major source of funds.

Under the No Child Left Behind Act, teachers in core academic areas must have a bachelor's degree, full state certification and demonstrated competency in each core academic subject he or she teaches.

Summary: The education system in advanced countries aims to produce well rounded individuals with good academic record and practical skills. In Australia, the focus is on literacy, mathematics, physical skills, studies of society, health, creative activities and English. There are only school-based assessments. Students undertake research and complete assignments. Learning methods include investigation, experimentation, evaluation and participation. The British education curriculum is constantly reviewed to meet different needs of students and society. Students undergo tests and expand their general knowledge and experiences for future jobs by developing analytical and problem solving skills. Singapore aims to provide a holistic, flexible and diverse education system. students get individualized attention with emphasis on literacy and numeracy. In the US, students are taught core and elective subjects. participation in extra curricular activities is vital.

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